In our hectic lives, it’s hard to find time to practice a little self care. If you’ve had a busy day at your 9-5 all you want to do when you get home is crash, but there’s still so much left to do… dinner needs to be made (which is something we actually enjoy most of the time) and there are chores around the house that need to be done so you’re not coming home to chaotic unorganized environment.
Some of these tips can only take 10-20 minutes out of your time, and others you’ll need to find more time to pursue but I hope that through this post I’ll give you some helpful tips on how to become a less stressed and must healthier you!
This first tip is going to come as no surprise to those of you have been following along here for awhile.
Have a skincare routine
There is something that can be so relaxing about just putting on a sheet mask or going through your favorite skincare routine in the evenings. I like to do a sheet mask at least once a week, either on a Friday evening if I have an event I’m attending the next day, or during the week when I will be spending time with some of my co-workers versus holing up in my cubicle.
You can find some amazing sheet masks online through retailers like Sephora, Peach & Lily, Glow Recipe or even at your local grocery store or pharmacy.
Need some more TLC? Go to your favorite spa and get a facial, massage or mani/pedi! (We’re lucky to have an excellent spa Dolce Lusso that’s just up the street from where we live, and we get our pedicures and I get my tresses trimmed.)
Read a book or listen to you favorite music (or both!)
I often listen to music while I’m reading, it helps block out any of noises going on in the house around me, and it adds a little bit more interest to whatever I’m reading. While it’s been hard the past few years especially to set aside time to do reading aside from listening to an audio book on my commute, one of the things I want to do in this new year is read more. I shared my 3 Most Anticipated Books for 2018 recently, and those are on my must read list along with finishing up Caraval by Stephanie Garber that I started reading last spring!
Get more sleep (or at least stick to a sleep schedule!)
Every expert (and non-expert alike) will tell you that getting more sleep is essential. Your body heals when it’s at rest, and when you get more sleep your less likely to catch all of the bugs that are going around these days. I know it’s hard for those of us who have trouble getting their zzz’s in, but coming up with a set bedtime can make a huge difference in training your body for a better nights sleep. I did a post about creating a sleep routine, which you can check out here.
Take up a new hobby
Once the weather warms up we plan to start getting our ‘artsy’ on by doing some painting. Whether it’s watercolor or working with acrylics/oils painting can be a great way to relax. If you want to take a art class just google painting classes in your city. We have several places here in Charlotte if practicing your new hobby with a group is your thing!
Exercise (i.e. take the stairs)
One thing that I’ve done for the past year or so is take the stairs everywhere. Heading up to my office on the third floor, taking the stairs, taking something down to the mail room, take the stairs. It’s an excellent way to get your blood pumping and take a mental break even if it’s for a few flights.
Other exercise ideas… take brisk walk to clear your head on your lunch break or after work, sign up for a yoga class or taking up kick-boxing is an excellent ways to get your endorphins and give you some much needed stress-relief.
What are some of your favorite ways to practice self-care? Let me know in the comments below.

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