Despite the fact that the storm clouds frequently rolled over the Blue Ridge Mountains, we enjoyed a mostly sunny time during our mini-break, but if there’s ever a doubt that rain could be in the day’s schedule, I would advise visiting the gardens first.
Another piece of advice, wear comfortable shoes. I really lucked out for this trip when it came to comfortable shoe wear, as my Nine West Sandals went with every dress I brought along with me, and my hat from Loft was excellent protection on the sunnier days, as silly me forgot to pack any sunscreen.
One thing I did notice during this visit, is there were so many more people out and about on the grounds than there were when we visited during May of 2014. Perhaps it was due to the special exhibition, Designed for Drama Fashion from the Classics that is running from February until July 4th.
Here’s the original picture. I’m the one with my foot hanging off the edge, and my sister is the sassy one in front.
By the time we made it out of the house and to the line for the shuttle, we were absolutely starving. Thankfully we already knew exactly where we wanted to eat lunch, the Village Social. On the way to lunch, the skies that had been threatening for the past few hours decided to let loose. At least I had my sun hat to keep me dry as we dashed into the restaurant!
Crab Cakes
By the time we finished our delicious lunch, the rain had let up, but we waited underneath the eaves of the shop at the Winery while we waited for our shuttle.
After a quick run to pick up sunscreen which none of us had remembered to bring, we headed out to the pool to relax for a little while before dinner. Ashley and Mike decided to head out for Italian, while we ordered in.

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