Planting with toddlers can be so much fun, a little messy, yes, but fun. When I saw this Buzzy Organic Windowsill Grow Kit at our local Harris Teeter, I immediately thought how much fun it would be to plant the seeds with my 16 month old niece, Cecileia. I recently found out that this little girl loved helping her daddy plant a few a weekends ago, and this little kit was the perfect activity for our afternoon.
Buzzy Organic Windowsill Grow Kit
The kit comes with three growing mediums, but since we had left of fresh potting mix from planting our outdoor herb garden a few weekends ago, I opted to go for our potting mix instead, which was much more fun for Cecileia.
Such a good little helper.
After adding the dirt is was time for Auntie C to take over planting the seeds (or else they would have ended up all over the deck instead of in the pot). This particular kit includes Basil, Chives and Cilantro. It’s perfect for keeping on the window seal in a sunny spot and I’m looking forward to adding fresh herbs from our kitchen garden to our omelets, quesadillas and more!

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