Selena Beaudry’s ‘A Muffled, Tumble, Thicket, Tangle or Bramble opened at the Hidell Brook’s Gallery on April 6th, and for those who have the chance to visit the show in person, you will have the chance to feel like you are literally walking through one of Beaudry’s pieces. This exhibition is the second one we’ve seen featuring new work from London based artist, Beaudry, features several full wall installations of Selena’s work along with new smaller works.
Artist Facts:
- Selena Beaudry lives and works in London and received her MFA from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Her work consist of piles, cut out collages and oil paintings.
- The focus of her paintings is color through loose gestural brushstrokes.
- Her piles and cut out collages are intricate, delicate and precise as they weave across the paper.
Painting is my first love. The languages of paintings are what drives my work the slashes, smears and blobs are like words or songs for me. Cutting up my paintings and drawings allows me to see my marks in a new fresh way. I create my pallets from the blobs, slashes, hatches and smears.
I have have always wanted to walk through a painting. Some of my favorite shows that I have seen in museums or galleries are when I am enveloped by the work. Whether it creates a feeling of clam or frenzy. This installation is my attempt art placing the view in the midst of my artwork. – Selena Beaudry, 2018
The exhibition will be on display through April 28th.

So unique and awesome!
Very unique!