Some years it can be harder to get into the holiday spirit than other years, so this year especially I decided that I was going to get into the holiday spirit. We started the tradition of taking a pre-Christmas mini break a few years ago and this years destination is going to be full of holiday spirit complete with Gingerbread houses. (Can’t wait for FRIDAY!)
If you struggle with getting into the holiday spirit, I thought I’d share a few tips.
- Start listening to Christmas music by December 1st. Now, this one has always been a tough one in previous years, but Leslie Odom Jr’s Simply Christmas is the perfect option. It’s jazzy and Christmas-y all at the same time.
- Take some time off… I save up the majority of my vacation time to take at the end of the year. Our offices close for the last week of December, and I take the 2 weeks before the shut down as well. It’s nice to have a few weeks to relax and de-stress before getting geared up for the next year.
- Plan a destination Christmas… While our trip to Raleigh a few years ago is the closest we’ve been to being away for Christmas, we like to have at least a few days away to enjoy ourselves.
- Spend more time with family… whether it’s eating a meal together, going to an event (so many good shows in Charlotte this December) or just having a movie or board game night or even baking a batch of holiday cookies or desserts together.
- Remember the reason for the season… this is the most important one. It’s easy to think that Christmas is just about giving and receiving presents… but it’s all about celebrating Jesus’ birth which is the greatest gift of all.
The painting featured in this post is by artist Connie Winters and was part of the Annual Small Works Show at the Shain Gallery.

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