“La Vie En Rose. It is the French way of saying, ‘I am looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.” — Audrey Hepburn
I just finished the most wonderful book coming out in February of next year, The Love Scribe by Amy Meyerson. I’m going to share more about it in an upcoming post, but it has the perfect blend of magical realism and contemporary romance making it just the book I needed during my busy study schedule.
This coming Wednesday my sister is dropping my nieces off and we have them for a whole week before my sister and brother-in-law join us for a belated Christmas celebration. We’re looking forward to getting up to all sorts of holiday fun while the girls are here (which will include creating some delicious sweet treats!)
Kate Winslet shares why Your 40s are Your Sexiest Most Powerful Decade. (Glamour)
Looking for a pair of shoes that will take her from errands to the office? The Natalie in Saddle is always the way to go. Get $50 off your first shoe order with my code: SARAHFLINT-BACHRISTA
Find out why the Beauty Industry Loves Biossance. (Marie Claire)
This Homemade Bolognese looks absolutely fabulous! (Damn Delicious)
Check out these Tips for a Festive French Inspired Tablescape. (Jenny Cipoletti)
If you’re looking for the perfect locket to give to that special someone in your life, this Croissant Oval Locket Necklace from Mejuri is stunning.
I’m really enjoying broccoli again, and this Broccoli Gruyere Soup would be the perfect thing for one of these cold rainy evenings we’ve been having lately. (Freddie Cipoletti)
I’ve been obsessed with these Milk Drops for my dry winter skin and this Milk Foam Calming Bubble Mask is next on my must-try list. (Beekman 1802)
It’s always good to have a dip or two at a holiday party and this Spinach Artichoke Dip is sure to hit the spot. (Love and Lemons)

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