For our Fall project this year, we decided to do Succulent Pumpkins. I absolutely love succulents and we always love to do a pumpkin project during the Fall so this project was the perfect combination of the two.
What You’ll Need:
- Pumpkins
- Succulents – Pick up a variety from your local Home Depot, or favorite garden center.
- Moss – both the flat that has a adhesive backing and a bag of ‘fluffy’ moss both of which can be found at your local craft store.
- Hot Glue Gun – although they say that you can use tacky glue, nothing sticks better than hot glue.
- Scissors

We picked up our succulents at our local Home Depot because we loved the variety of succulents that they had and how unique they were from succulents that we’d seen in the past. If you’d rather not pick out all of your individual succulents for this project you can also get ready made succulent bowls and just deconstruct them for your project.

While it’s suggested to cut or pull the stems off of your pumpkins we decided to leave ours on. For the flat moss we just cut it in a circle to cover the area where we were going to put our succulents, and then cut a slit in the middle just big enough so the stem could fit through.
Once you’ve attached your adhesive moss, put a good amount of hot glue on top and attach the fluffy moss that your succulents will be sitting on top of.
Next, remove your succulents from their pots and pull off all the dirt before you cut the succulents at their base. You won’t need their roots for the project.
It’s a good idea to plan out where you want your succulent before you start apply hot glue to the base and attaching them to your pumpkin.

For this project we found that it’s really a good idea to have one person in charge of the glue gun, and the other in charge of placing the succulents on the pumpkin. We also chose not to decorate all of our pumpkins as we liked the look of mixing undecorated pumpkins in amongst the succulent pumpkins.
Once we’d rested a moment we took our pumpkins over to another table to display then before we packed them up for the trip home.
Now for the display of pumpkins that my sister put together…

My favorite fall project to date!