When you live a busy life, it’s sometimes hard to find time to learn new skills, or further your knowledge in a field that interests you. Masterclass is something I’ve been hearing a lot about over the past few years, but it wasn’t until the beginning of this year after we saw a trailer featuring the upcoming class for Chef Thomas Keller (French Laundry) that we decided that now was the right time to sign up.
Since then we’ve taken all of the culinary classes they’ve had to offer (along with signing up for the Alice Waters class which officially starts in June) and I’ve already decided on a few other classes to further my knowledge of fashion and photography.
If you’ve been thinking about signing up for Masterclass and still haven’t taken the ‘plunge’ then I’m going to give you 6 Reasons Why you should.
The wide range of classes
Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge of the culinary arts, fashion design or even step up your game as an actor or comedian, there are classes for everyone.
Here are just a few of the classes you can choose from:
- Gordon Ramsey | Cooking
- Thomas Keller | Cooking Techniques
- Annie Leibovitz | Photography
- Shonda Rhimes | Screenwriting for Television
- Steve Martin | Comedy
- Helen Mirren | Acting
- Diane von Furstenburg | Building a Fashion Brand
- Marc Jacobs | Fashion Design
- Hans Zimmer | Film Scoring
The investment for the All-Access Pass is so worth it.
While you can purchase each class individually, going with the all-access class gives you access (as the name suggests) to all of the classes for an entire year.
It’s so easy to get started.
Once you’ve signed up for the All-Access Pass just start selecting your classes. You can either view the videos online, or through the app that they’ve recently rolled out.
The teachers are amazing.
Every teacher at Masterclass is well known in their field, and have so much knowledge to offer. While every teaching style is different (just like in the classroom) you’ll really enjoy each and every class you take.
You can go through each class at your own pace.
Each class has a workbook, and a videos for each of the lesson. Once you’ve watched the video you can interact with your classmates via The Hub. You can also check out the Office Hours to have the opportunity to have you questions answered by whomever is teaching your class.
If you want to learn more about the culinary arts, there are several well-known Chef’s to choose from.
We decided to take all of the culinary classes amiable through Masterclass and enjoyed learning each Chef’s techniques, likes/dislikes, and getting to know more about the Chef’s in their home kitchens. Not only do the techniques each Chef prefers differ from one another, but their take on a traditional and not so traditional dishes will amaze you.
Gordon Ramsey will make you fall in love with your ingredients. Thomas Keller shares about his tools of refinement, and what you do and do not need in the kitchen. Wolfgang Puck turns his plates into a canvas and Alice Waters shares about the importance of knowing where your food comes from and maintaining a relationship with the growers at your local farmers market.
This is not a sponsored post, I had to share how much I’m enjoying taking classes through Masterclass.

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