If you’ve been following along with the blog for a few years now, you’ll already be familiar with the fact that I like to save up my vacation time and take off the last three weeks of December. It is the ONLY way to get a reboot before the new year (with the exception of last year where I came down with the Flu and spent over a month feeling under the weather and going through multiple boxes of Puffs) and it gives me the chance to do a few things that I didn’t get to throughout the year.
Visiting this #confettiheartswall by artist Evelyn Henson has been on my list of places to visit.
Checking out some of the new (or new to me) coffee shops and restaurants around the Charlotte area. During the month my grandfather joins me as my partner in foodie crime for a weekly Wednesday lunch. This year I have a whole list of places (some are old favorites that I want to introduce him to and others are new to both of us) that I want to check out, so if I make it through even half of it I will be one happy girl.
While we’re not going out of town this year (which was already the case before my mom had to unexpectedly head into surgery) we are already getting a head start on planning out our vacations for the next year including a staycation at one of the hotels that we frequently visit for brunch.
Plus any opportunity to get something sweet while in Southend is a must and Jeni’s Ice Cream is oh, so convenient…
Catching up on some reading… I had grand plans for 2018 to be the year where I actually finished every book a started. But here I am mid-December with at least a half of one bookshelf of books that I’ve only made it half way through. Here’s hoping that I’ll get some of those titles crossed of my reading to do list.
Spending some quality time in the kitchen. There are so many recipes that have been added to my list of recipes to try, and I hope to at least try a few of them. Keep an eye on my On the List for new recipes from some of my favorite food bloggers if you need any ideas on what to whip up for your holiday parties this year.
So delicious…
Getting some organization done… It’s hard to find time to get everything squared away throughout the year, and one part of my bedroom that I’ve been working on for what seems like forever is my closet situation. Here’s hoping that during the month of December I’ll get it into better shape.
What are some of your favorite things to do during your holiday break? Let me know in the comments below.

Enjoy the rest of your time off!