One of the things I always get excited about this time of year is the arrival of fresh peaches in the produce section of our favorite markets and more specifically white peaches. I love regular peaches, but I ADORE white peaches. They have a sweeter taste and there are so many delicious ways that I like to enjoy them. I’ve made White Peach Toast spread with chevre, enjoyed a Shrimp & White Peach Salad with Bibb Lettuce and a Champagne Mustard Vinaigrette, and this past weekend, we created this delicious and refreshing beverage.
There are several herbs that pair well with peaches, including basil, thyme, and rosemary, but for our drink, we chose to use some of our boxwood basil. This smaller leafed variety of basil has been our preference over traditional basil since we first added it to our herb garden last year. So this year we skipped the traditional basil plants altogether and opted for three boxwood basil plants.
The taste of boxwood basil is very similar to traditional basil, but instead of chiffonading the leaves (which always leads to bruising in traditional basil leaves), you can simply pluck off the leaves of boxwood basil and add them to your dish or drink (which I did and let me tell you, the flavor profile is amazing!)
For the rims of our glasses, we decided to add some of the Georgia Peach Spice that I picked up from the Savory Spice Shop (online) last year. It adds just the right about of spicy sweetness (and you can mix it in with your drink too which I’ve definitely done before!)
Peach n’ Basil Smash
Ingredients —
- White Peaches
- San Pellegrino
- Georgia Peach Spice (for the rim of your glasses)
- Fresh Boxwood Basil
Directions —
Wash peaches and slice and emulsify or muddle. Place the Georgia Peach Spices in a plate and moisten the rim of your glasses before pressing into the peach spice. Fill glasses halfway with the white peach mixture, and top with chilled San Pellegrino Sparkling Water. Add garnish of freshly washed boxwood basil (or traditional basil if you prefer.) Enjoy!
Have you tried out this drink? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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